Ways to Support
If you desire to make a contribution, you may do so online or fill out a donor form and return to:
Seven Lakes Orchestras Parent Association, 9251 South Fry Road, Katy, TX 77494

Thank you!

Volunteer | Fundraisers | Company Matching

Donor Circle:

Be a part of the Donor Circle!
SLOPA is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.Your donation is 100% tax-deductible and may qualify for matching funds from your employer. Contributions can be made by check made payable to:

Seven Lakes Orchestras Parent Association (SLOPA)
Mail to:
Seven Lakes Orchestras Parent Association
Attn: Desiree Overee
9251 South Fry Road Katy, TX 77494


Online Contributions can be made through Paypal. Use the “Donate” button below:

